Our LAMS - Service Solutions

We look to meet your lubrication needs

  • INDISOL have already indicated LUBRICATION is not a commodity as a lubricant (oil or grease) would be, but rather it is a Solution that embraces all the needs of the process 6 “R’s” as discussed. That means a Site or Business that is serious about the performance of its production assets and their uptime availability needs to take serious note of the maintenance
  • DO you want to maintain assets when the BREAK DOWN or do you want to apply PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE and lastly are your assets of such a nature you want to apply an in depth approach and PREDICT when they may fail?
  • INDISOL work with sites with varied maintenance philosophy’s to deliver service solutions
  • Service Solutions cover a wide range of opportunity’s including, but not limited to;
    • OIL CONDITION MONITORING INDISOL present IN DEPTH RCA OCM when you need or as ongoing solution and we specialise in Heat Transfer Oil / Turbine Fluids / Extended Drain Interval Monitoring and more
    • OIL: CLEANLINESS PROGRAMMES, INDISOL believe that in 90% of all lubricants applications oils are changed out much to early compared to their ongoing capacity We have successfully managed to get Gear Oils to remain in application for 12 years as opposed to when we took on the responsibility and site changed oil annually resulting in savings of > $ 120 k. TRY out our approach to cleaning fluids with depth filtration and OCM to SAVE MONEY
    • Filtration is a must if you are serious about reducing operating costs and running a sound PREVENTATIVE maintenance programme. Our Solutions are innovative and Tailored
    • Root case analysis why did it fail? and how can we avoid in future? with mechanical components it is an important activity in LUBRICATION SERVICES. INDISOL pride themselves on having 37 years of experience in INDUSTRIAL LUBRICATION and with this come insight and in most cases positive solutions.
    • Logistics and supply of Consignment stock to key customers is one of our corner stone offerings TRY US OUT

Lubrication Asset Solutions

Filtration - Wet/ Dry

WET / DRY Filtration, there are two distinct needs in any plant for Filtration.

  • DRY Filtration is the active filtering of equipment sumps that are linked to circulation systems. We dry and clean the air down to 2 micron before it enters a system. This way we eliminate many of the issues environments present such as water and dirt ingress. As they say there are may ways to skin a cat.
  • WET Filtration is the filtering of fluids down to 2 micron in a BY-PASS Kidney Loop system. This is a very cost effective way of reducing contaminants. The cleaner the fluids the longer their life and lower the WEAR rates for components. In a country where currency exchange rate do not favour imports this EXTENSION OF COMPONENT life is vital to reduce operating costs. Effective Filtration cleans oil. Cleaning oil saves money.

Lubrication Management Audits and Support

Safe Working with Lubrication/ Food Grade Lubricants (HACCP - LLCP Lube Surveys)

  • 37 years ago Shaun started out doing lubrication surveys in Engineering and Steelworks. This moved onto Mining, Cement plants ,
    marine shipping, FOOD GRADE PLANTS, Timber Mills and much more.
    • It is the foundation to you LAMS programme and the more concise the foundation the better the maintenance programme.
    • Get the Lube Survey right and you are 75% home, LET INDISOL assist with introducing you to this tool
  • FOOD GRADE PLANTS are slowly being encouraged to make use of Food grade Lubricants, a costly affair at best.
    • Completion of a LUBRICANTS CRITICAL CONTROL POINTS audit and developing a Lubrication survey that ensure you do not over state your needs is a speciality INDISOL are well versed in. This will dove tail back into your HACCP.
  • LUBRICATION SURVEYS done correctly will save money and reduce waste of resources such as People, Consumables and prevent failures
    • Good Lube Surveys should also identify Safe Work Practises for your operation
    • Focus on CRADLE to GRAVE Product Stewardship
    • Save the environment

The 6 R’s

Lubrication Fundamentals is about getting the basics right

1. Right Application

  • know where it must go

2. Right Lubricant 

  • Lubricants MUST always be FIT for PURPOSE – don’t CUT corners

3. Right Quantity

  • over/under Lubrication results in waste and often damage

4. Right Re-Lube Frequency

  • apply as OEM re-lube recommends and avoid GUESS work

5. Right Quality

  • Clean lubricants (oils & greases are vital to reduce wear & tear), equally some lubricants are sensitive to aging, so we advise not to over purchase and to rotate stock. Reference OCM samples assist greatly in ensuring you are getting what you expected.

5. Right People

  • Informed/attitude/train people/ASK if not SURE

Good Lubrication practises reduce wear, failures and SAVE MONEY

Lubrication Culture of Care

Lubrication is an integrated process requiring Planning and Care

Lubrication “BEST PRACTISE is supported by a CULTURE of CARE”

Our Maintenance Lubrication Culture is to;

  • Plan Lubrication Tasks – Know WHAT is REQUIRED to be done
  • Use Job Standards to get it Right – Know HOW to SUCCESFULLY complete Lube Task
  • Allocate Tasks – Know WHO is RESPONSIBLE for Task execution.
  • Schedule Task time – Know WHEN ACTION will take place
  • Allocate adequate time – Know TIME and SEQUENCE to EXECUTE the task SAFELY
  • Communicate to all Stakeholders – Know WHAT & HOW to COMMUNICATE
  • Provide correct tools Know What Tools and Dispensing Equipment required
  • Apply 6 “R’s” of Lubrication – Know What, Where, How, Quality, Quantity and Who

Want to know more?

Don't hesitate to Get in touch with us